Flag and country information - Republic of BOLIVIA |
Area - 1,098,581 sq km / 424,052 sq ml |
Capital - La Paz |
Language - Spanish |
Currency - Boliviano |
Population - 8,586,443 |
Life expectancy - 54 (men), 58 (women) |
Literacy rate - 85% |
Religions - 95% Roman Catholic |
Physical features - high plateau between mountain ridges - forest and lowlands in the east - Lake Titicaca is the world's highest navigable lake at 3,000m / 12,500ft |
Ethnic distribution - 30% Quechua Indians, 25% Aymara Indians, 25-30% mixed race, 5-15% European decent |
Exports - tin, zinc, gold, oil, agricultural products, coffee, sugar, cotton, soyabeans |
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