Flag and country information - Republic of TRINIDAD and TOBAGO |
Area - 5,130 sq km / 1,981 sq ml, Trinidad 4,828 sq km / 1,864 sq ml, Tobago 300 sq km / 116 sq ml |
Capital - Port-of-Spain |
Language - English, Hindi, French, Spanish |
Currency - Trinidad and Tobago Dollar |
Population - 1,104,209 |
Life expectancy - 68 (men), 72 (women) |
Literacy rate - 96% |
Religions - Roman Catholic, Anglican, Hindu, Muslim |
Physical features - two main islands with a number of smaller ones, coastal swamps and hills east / west |
Ethnic distribution - two main groups, African decent, Asian Indian decent, also European, Chinese |
Exports - oil, petroleum products, chemicals, sugar, cocoa |
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