Flag and country information - Republic of PERU |
Area - 1,285,200 sq km / 496,216 sq ml |
Capital - Lima |
Language - Spanish |
Currency - Nuevo Sol |
Population - 28,409,897 |
Life expectancy - 63 (men), 67 (women) |
Literacy rate - 92% |
Religions - Roman Catholic |
Physical features - Andes mountains cover 27% of country, seperating Amazon river basin jungle in north east from coastal plain in west. Atacama desert runs north / south along coast |
Ethnic distribution - 45% South American Indian, 37% Mestizo (mixed race), 15% European, 3% African |
Exports - coca, coffee, alpaca, llama and vicuña wool, fishery products, lead (largest producer in South America), copper, iron, oil |
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