Flag and country information - Cooperative Republic of GUYANA |
Area - 214,969 sq km / 82,978 sq ml |
Capital - Georgetown |
Language - English, Hindi |
Currency - Guyana Dollar |
Population - 702,100 |
Life expectancy - 62 (men), 68 (women) |
Literacy rate - 98% |
Religions - 54% Hindu, 27% Christian, 15% Sunni Muslim |
Physical features - coastal plain rises into rolling highlands with savanna in the south, mostly tropical rainforest. Kaietur National Park includes Kaietur Falls (250m / 821 ft) on the Potaro river |
Ethnic distribution - 51% Indian (Asian decent), 43% Afro-Indian, some Chinese and Europeans |
Exports - sugar, rice, rum, timber, diamonds, bauxite, shrimps, molasses |
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