Flag and country information - State of ANTIGUA and BARBUDA |
Area - 440 sq km / 170 sq ml Antigua 280 sq km / 108 sq ml, Barbuda 161 sq km / 62 sq ml, Redonda 1 sq km / 0.4 sq ml |
Capital - St John's |
Language - English |
Currency - Eastern Caribbean Dollar |
Population - 67,897 |
Life expectancy - 70 |
Literacy rate - 96% |
Religions - Anglican |
Physical features - low-lying tropical islands of limestone and coral, with volcanic outcrops - there are no rivers and the low rainfall result in frequent droughts. Redonda is an uninhabited island of volcanic rock rising to 305 m / 1,000 ft |
Ethnic distribution - almost entirely of African decent |
Exports - sea-island cotton, rum, lobsters, plus tourism. |
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